[TagBot- This section will Set up table appearance=] [TagBot~Special Notes: = When you select an option for the items below, the selected option will be placed in the data field. You may also type in your own choice if you don't care for the presented options. ]

Using TagBots in a Template

Inline TagBots can prompt for a replacement for any kind of text. The TagBot can also carry default information. This sample template will illustrate the use of various TagBots in a template.

An inline TagBot consists of one to three parts:

1. The First part is the [-bracket followed imediately by the keyword "TagBot", which is not case-sensitive.

2. The Second (optional) part is the formatting symbol followed by a plain text prompt to explain what the field contains. The symbols are ~, !, :, #, -, +, ^, ?, and space. A space will show a plain prompt, ! will show a bolder title-prompt, : will indicate a blue-coded URL, # will indicate a pink-coded variable, + prompts for an external filename to be inserted into the HTML code, ~ is a green comment/instruction to the user that will not pass through to the output, the - symbol means that a divider will be added in the Edit window's list of fields for visual grouping, ? is a global replacement variable, and ^ is a theme.

3. The Third (optional) part is the = sign followed by the default information to display in the field. You can include an option list in the default data by separating options with the | symbol. The first item in the option list becomes the default. The default information can be edited in the Edit screen.

The tag is then closed with the ]-bracket.

Special global variables can be defined once for the entire page by following the keyword with a ?-symbol, variable name, and then continuing with a choice of formatting symbol, prompt, and default info. The definition does not need to preceed the use. The variable will replace every occurrence of a shorter version of the tag that includes the keyword, ?-symbol and variable name, immediately followed by the closing bracket.

Inline TagBots can encompass any amount of HTML code or text, so you can replace blocks of text, entire scripts, a whole URL or just the final image portion, or single tag parameters. Inline tags can not be nested, and can not encompass text containing the ] or | symbols (or some javascripts).

A Wrapper tag is used to surround a block of text that can be checkmarked for inclusion/omission in the output. A Wrapper can contain inline TagBots, but wrappers can not be nested. Inline TagBots can not contain a wrapper TagBot. TagBots can't travel with the final document. The inline tags must be part of a parent template from which auction pages are created. Therefore, the master templates should be named TPL files so that they won't be accidentally overwritten (but you can view them as plain text files).

[tagbot- This is a visual divider for section 2]

[TagBot?variable3] [Tagbot!Main title=Specials]

[Tagbot OVERVIEW: First Paragraph = This is an overview of the product in a short paragraph]

[Tagbot FEATURES: Second Paragraph = These are the main features with additional descriptions.]

[TagBot?HostURL:Global Host URL for images =http://www.myimagehost.com/details/]
[TagBot+Add boilerplate file here=tagbot.ini]
[TagBot?VARiable3?Global Variable for Title=Spring | Fall | Summer]